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27th November 2024 - The Wondernight Cafe with Hannah Moore at Star Anise in Stroud

I'm excited to be collaborating with the fabulous storyteller and host Hannah Moore as a guest teller at this beautiful event for adults. The Wondernight Cafe is a monthly evening of stories, cake and conversation. Come and join us as we share orally told stories on the theme of Paths and Lost Places.  

Tickets on the door: £11 / £9 including a hot drink

Star Anise Cafe, 1 Gloucester St, Stroud GL5 1QG
Doors open at 7:15, Stories from 7:30 - 9:30pm

To view the full delicious Autumn programme for The Wondernight Cafe, you can visit Hannah's website.    

November 17

17th November 2024 - A Necklace of Raindrops and other stories: Storytellers Fiona Eadie and Bronia Evers at Ruskin Mill, Nailsworth

February 5

5th February - 'Create a story and make a mini Crankie' - workshop at People Speak Up, South Wales