Beyond the Glass Mountain

In collaboration with Cath Little. Stories of love, loss and renewal told with words and moving pictures.

A collaboration between Storyteller and Singer Cath Little and Crankie Artist Bronia Evers

Stories of love, loss and renewal told with words, song and scrolling illustrations

If the living and the dead could speak, what questions would they ask of one another? How can love and our connection with the natural world help us to remember and renew the parts of ourselves that have been forgotten? Beyond the Glass Mountain weaves traditional and contemporary tales, spoken and sung, with the simple visual magic of crankie theatre.

Show length: 60 minutes Suitable for age 10+

Space requirements:  minimum 2.5m wide x 2.5 m deep

For theatres: please contact us for a full tech spec. 

More about Beyond the Glass Mountain

This collaboration was born out of the Covid-19 lockdown. In 2021, Bronia and Cath worked together in their separate homes, commissioned by Beyond The Border International Storytelling Festival, to create a digital short film  Cold Blows The Wind’ . This ancient ballad tells of loss, the consolation that is to be found in nature, and of emergence from grief, through winter, into spring.  You can view the short film here.  The piece has since developed into a live performance project by Cath and Bronia, featuring a collection of stories exploring the themes love, loss and renewal. 

Cath Little is a Cardiff-based Storyteller and Singer  with “rough magic” in her voice, and in her words “the gift of the story comes through.” She has a strong belief in the power of stories to connect us to one another, to the land, and to the people who once lived here. Cath tells traditional stories from her Irish English heritage and her Welsh homeland. For more about Cath’s work, visit her website. 

This short film Cold Blows the Wind was the starting point for our show Beyond the Glass Mountain. The live show features this ballad, sung by Cath with illustrations drawn and cranked by Bronia, alongside other stories and crankies, all of which explore the themes of love, loss and renewal.